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Beautiful Colors

I've been working hard to get some brilliant colors for these batches....achieved! Ox is a true true blue (to match it's wonderfully sweet blueberry scent) and this thrills me to no end.

A new batch called Mountain Man is coming...with a woody pine and forest fragrance and rich dark colors. The goal is to mimic the look of camouflage but that's easier said than done. I'll be cutting that batch today... love the smell and hope for the look to come through. It's made with beer from Historic Brewing in Flagstaff AZ.

On a different note....these times are crazy. I've not seen anything like this in my lifetime, everyone I talk to says the same. I fear for the small businesses...I really do. Most aren't set up to handle closed doors for weeks (maybe months??) with zero income yet having to continue to pay rent and utilities. How will they re-open? How will they hold on while having to close their doors? Being transparent here - I worry about that far more than the virus itself. The hoarding that's been going on is embarassing to our nation leaving many who genuinely need groceries without. I saw a business advertising free hand sanitizer with a purchase over $10. Hmm great business move? Maybe----but that means they ran out and bought TONS of it leaving an empty shelf for those coming behind them. I will make sure not to support that place ever.

Last night much of our town shut down. Breweries, library, restaurants can only do take out if they're set up for it. Bars are closed and many are volunteering to close alongside the others because....if you're the last one left open I know they fear they'll be listening to crickets in a ghost town.

I fear the same, sales have plummeted and how do you hold on through this? Soap has a decent shelf life but it IS perishable. All the shops who carry my line have closed. The breweries who carry it have now what? Folks are being told told told to wash their hands and support small businesses any way they can. Here's a site that you can do both- get soap to wash those hands and support local small business. Let's hope we can all hang on through this.

It's snowing peacefully outside as I write this....I stopped at the library and stocked up on books yesterday. I wondered that too- kids out of school and us being told to stay home yet they take away access to books yikes! I need to read! Yep I did grab a large amount and probably maxed out my book limit. I do have Harry Potter books thanks to my apprentice so I should be set if this only lasts a couple weeks. If.

And so, I'll settle in with the snow today and take the pack out for a snow walk in the calm of the town. Seems fitting here somehow..............upheaval and unknown times---I'll be grateful for the peace that snowfall brings. I'll hunker down for whatever is going to happen and hope to see ya'll on the flipside. Step out and do the drive through, get the coffee and the takeout. Get the curbside and get the delivery. Support local support local support local. I can't say it enough-----if we don't support we may not see them on the flipside of this hysteria.

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