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Writer's pictureLittle Cabin Soaps


I've found that I only write when I'm moved or inspired.... today I find that I'm both. The weekend was a delight, the best since the holidays - full of friends and family. Love and connection. Laughter filled the walls, laughter filled the backyard and joy filled my heart. I went to bed with a happy soul, a pack of content dogs and a day that will last forever in my memory.

I realized it's connection that spoke so loudly to me and I think it's one of the reasons the gift baskets and sets have picked up. People feel CONNECTED to them. They are created by real people. Handmade all the way- the basket is handmade by a local textile/fabric artist named Judy. She has been my cheerleader since I met her in our new town, we've shared frustrations....and omelettes. We're friends because we've connected. The items I choose to fill these baskets are handmade by people I jive with, people who have turned into friends...not just folks I collaborate or do business with, no they are people I connect with. I call them "my ceramicists" - but Mike and Anne are family, we've spent Thanksgivings and Christmases together. We've laughed, cried, vented, tried, failed, overcome hurdles and succeeded together. The maker behind the body products I fill baskets with are handmade, she is a gem and a firecracker happens to be the mayor of our town. The wooden soap dishes are made by an amazing guy who works on his dads 1920's lathe. His wife is my breakfast buddy and we've become fast friends because we connect with each other (and both love hash browns).

As I build these baskets, part of the fun is choosing things that match, the right colors and scents, the right pairings. I connect with them. I lovingly choose the right mug, the right dish, the perfect scent of soap so you're spoiled with your shower and the right jam so you're savoring your morning toast. All the vendors (and myself !!) thrive when the hustle and bustle happens- oh my gosh I need more scrubs and a porch pick up or drop off is quickly arranged.

We delight in being slammed with orders and the need to make more of what we love. Our souls sing when the workload is heavy. When we go to bed exhausted. We are validated through sales of our products. When you watch us on social media. When you tell your friends about us and we get an order telling us you referred them. We grow, yes our business grows but WE grow as we connect with more people. We connect with creation of our product, from raw ingredients to something useful. We connect as we rush to the post office to ship an order and chat with the clerk.

And me? I connect when I create soap. I connect with each order as it's gently labeled, wrapped and boxed to get to its destination. As I build baskets I find I love making them nearly as much as making soap. I cannot express how much joy and thought is put into each one. Done in the wee hours of the morning over a cup of coffee or in the afteroon toward the close of a heart is poured into them. Nothing makes me happier than telling the vendors I need more of their product because we have more orders. Because their items are wanted, are used, are cherished, are valued.

I care about these people, I care about you. Each and every order overflows my cup of joy. Each order makes a difference. To me, to the other artisans working hard with me to create these. My customers are THE BEST. The best. And tonight? I feel the earth. To my friends. To family. To my creation and to you. Again I have such a grateful heart and thank you with all that I am for your orders, your devotion and spreading the word about Little Cabin Soaps. Onward my friends. Onward we go!

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